Dark humour and carnivorous plants at Love & Anarchy film festival: Radiating old-time cinematic nostalgia, the festival poster is the work of illustrator Kati Närhi.

At first glance, the poster design for this year’s Love & Anarchy film festival appears serene, even innocent. Classic movie posters are a clear influence on artist Kati Närhi’s retro style. Upon a more intentional inspection, the protagonist’s mundane gardening reveals elements of storytelling and black humour, perfectly fitting the essence of Love & Anarchy.  

“I am not quite sure why I draw so many plants nowadays. Could it be that this long winter has inspired me to draw something greener?”, Närhi wonders. 

The poster captures a suspenseful moment right before the action begins: while obliviously working in their garden, a character is depicted with a carnivorous plant coiled around their ankle. Following the typical cinematic narrative, the viewer detects the danger before the protagonist does. ‘I didn’t want the atmosphere to be too frightening, that’s why the threat is embodied by a plant. Although, I must mention, in movies often I find myself siding with the monsters or carnivorous plants. They need their food too, after all!’, Närhi says.

Närhi draws inspiration from multiple sources: “Images and fragments of stories swirl constantly in my mind. Most likely, this is because I watch plenty of movies and read avidly. My inspiration is also born from woodcuts, music, something as simple as clouds and foggy landscapes, darkness and moments of idleness – even from staring at the passing landscape during a train journey”, Närhi comments. 

For Närhi, films and film festivals are essential to her life. ‘I can’t recall when I first attended Love & Anarchy, but the festival certainly opened the door to my passion for movies. It was sometime in my twenties – back then, my taste in films was quite eclectic: I enjoyed everything shown in theatres, but I was drawn to older classics as well, such as works by Hitchcock, Wilder, Corman and Sirk. Through Love & Anarchy, my taste in films both expanded and refined. Ever since, I have been to film festivals whenever I get the chance: Sodankylä, Budapest, Edinburgh and Osaka. Of course, to me Love & Anarchy remains the sweetest of them all – there’s nothing better than sleeping in your bed after going to the movies”, says the artist. 

The 37th Helsinki International Film Festival – Love & Anarchy will captivate Helsinki from 19th September to 29th September 2024. Serial cards are now available for presale at a discounted price: Hurmio (5 tickets 55€), Paratiisi (12 tickets 112€), and Euforia (20 tickets 180€). 

First program reveals will be announced during June. The entire programme will be released on 5th September 2024.